Test for Breathable sanitary pads

Welcome to the Lady Anion website,

I’m really excited to be able to introduce you to this unbelievable product and will be compared to other ordinary sanitary pads that are available on the market. The lady anion sanitary pad is a revolutionary sanitary pad with built in hygiene benefits and features.

You will be shown & will discover how other sanitary pads compare with lady anion pads, the type of glue used, an anion chip which produces negative ions and health & well being benefits, and the amazing saturation levels of anion pads.

This demonstration video will reveal all of the basics we take for granted.

Let’s start with the lady anion hygiene package. Lady anion sanitary pads are individually sealed and packed in an individual sealable package. The sealable package is very compact and is made of food foil; it is also protected from bacteria and is water resistant. Now we are going to have a look at brand “X” sanitary pads. Which is similar to all of the other brands on the market?

As you can see the packaging is pure plastic and not that compact and once you have opened the pack you will notice that all the pads have not been sealed and may be in a position to attract bacteria. The size of the pad is a little bit bigger and might cause some level of discomfort to the user.

Now we are going to take brand X and turn the pad around. As you can see most of the regular pads have a big technical glue line which runs through the pad. This glue line prevents the pad from breathing freely.

You can also run a simple test to see for yourself how ineffective this is. Just take one glass of boiling water, put a pad over the glass and then cover the pad with a second glass upside down and you will now see how perspiration forms as it is unable to breathe freely and condensation is visibly seen in the bottom glass.

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